Biblioteket har samlet tips til artikler, bøker, rapporter og nettsider som kan leses i forkant eller underveis under Aldring i Norge-dagene 2022. Biblioteket har i stor grad lagt ut referanser til litteratur og kunnskap som er åpent tilgjengelige på denne nettsiden. Biblioteket prøver å skaffe de artiklene som ønskes, men som ikke ligger åpent ute. Ta gjerne kontakt med oss.
Aldring og helse er en nasjonal tjeneste for alle, og alle kan låne fra vår biblioteksamling. Dette gjør man enkelt via nett, over telefon eller ved å besøke biblioteket. Mer informasjon om tjenesten er på bibliotekets hjemmeside.
Denne digitale bibliotekutstillingen oppdateres med nye kilder fram mot Aldring i Norge-dagene i desember.
Tirsdag 6. desember
Tirsdag 6. desember: Plenumssesjoner 09.00 – 12.30
og Parallelle sesjoner kl. 13.30 – 15.00
Aldring i Norge – muligheter og begrensninger
Arntzen A, Bøe T, Dahl E, Drange N, Eikemo TA, Elstad JI, Fosse E, Krokstad S, Syse A, Sletten MA. & Strand BH. (2019). 29 recommendations to combat social inequalities in health. The Norwegian Council on Social Inequalities in Health. Scand J Public Health. 47(6):598-605.
Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet (2020). Demensplan 2025.
Hestad KA, Engedal K, Selbæk G. & Strand BH. (2021). Blood pressure in dementia, mild cognitive impairment, and subjective cognitive decline related to time of death. Brain Behav. 11(7):e02166.
Kalt W, Cassidy A, Howard LR, Krikorian R, Stull AJ, Tremblay F. & Zamora-Ros R. (2020). Recent Research on the Health Benefits of Blueberries and Their Anthocyanins. Adv Nutr. 11(2):224-236.
Meld.St. 19 (2018-2019). Folkehelsemeldinga – Gode liv i et trygt samfunn. Helse- og omsorgsdapartementet.Hentet 24.09.22
Meld. St. 15 (2017–2018). Leve hele livet — En kvalitetsreform for eldre. Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet.:
Skirbekk V, Langballe EM. & Strand BH.(2021). Preferred life expectancy and the association with hypothetical adverse life scenarios among Norwegians aged 60. Age Ageing. 50(6):2012-2018.
Strand BH, Skirbekk V, Langballe EM, Bergh S, Landmark B, Wangensteen S, Selbæk G. & Kirkevold Ø. (2021). Cohort profile: Norwegian survey of health and ageing (NORSE). BMC Public Health. 21(1):2229.
Sosiale helseforskjeller. I: Folkehelserapporten – Helsetilstanden i Norge [nettdokument]. Oslo: Folkehelseinstituttet [oppdatert (08.06.2022); Tilgjengelig fra:
Syse, A., Artamonova, A., Thomas, M. & Veenstra, M. (2022). Do characteristics of family members influence older persons’ transition to long-term healthcare services? BMC Health Services Research, 22(362).
Syse, A. & Tønnessen, M. (2022). Flere eldre innvandrere blant framtidens brukere av omsorgstjenester. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning.
Diagnostikk av demenssykdommer
Hofmann,B. (2021).The role of philosophy and ethics at the edges of medicine. Philos Ethics Humanit Med. 16(1):14.
Hofmann, B. (2019). Hvordan vurdere etiske aspekter ved moderne helse- og velferdsteknologi? Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. 5(3): 99-116.
Knapskog, AB., Engedal, K., Selbæk, G. & Øksengård, AR.(2021). Alzheimers sykdom – diagnostikk og behandling,
Medbøen, I.T, Persson, K., Nåvik, M., Totland, T:H., Bergh, S., Trevino, C.S., Ulstein, I, Engedal, K., Knapskog, AB, Brækhus, A., Øksengård, A.R., Horndalssveen, P.O., Saltvedt, I, Lyngroth, A.L., Ranhoff, A.H., Skrettingland, D.B., Naik, M., Soares, J.Z., Johnsen, B. & Selbæk, G. (2022). Cohort profile: the Norwegian Registry of Persons Assessed for Cognitive Symptoms (NorCog) – a national research and quality registry with a biomaterial collection. BMJ Open 2022;12:e058810.
Persson, K, Edwin, TH, Knapskog, AB, Tangen, GG, Selbæk, G. & Engedal, K.(2022). Hippocampal Atrophy Subtypes of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Automatic MRI in a Memory Clinic Cohort: Clinical Implications. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 51(1):80-89.
Rom 1 – Fysisk aktivitet
Del Pozo Cruz, B., Ahmadi, M., Naismith, S.L., Stamatakis, E. (2022). Association of Daily Step Count and Intensity With Incident Dementia in 78 430 Adults Living in the UK. JAMA Neurol.
Flugon, S.J., Jøranson, N. & Tangen, G.G. (2022). Mobility and Depressive Symptoms in Persons With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Dementia. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy: 46(1)
Hansen B.H., Kolle, E., Steene-Johannessen, J., Dalene, K.E., Ekelund, U., Anderssen, S.A. (2019). Monitoring population levels of physical activity and sedentary time in Norway across the lifespan. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 29(1):105-112. doi: 10.1111/sms.13314. Epub 2018 Oct 11.
Mc Ardle R, Sverdrup K, Del Din S, Lord S, Kerse N, Rochester L, Taylor L. (2021)-Quantifying physical activity in aged residential care facilities: A structured review. Ageing Res Rev 67:101298. doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2021.101298. Epub 2021
DOI: 10.1016/j.arr.2021.101298
Sigmundsson, H., Dybendal, B.H., Grassini, S. (2022). Motion, Relation, and Passion in Brain Physiological and Cognitive Aging. Brain Sci.;12(9):1122. doi: 10.3390/brainsci12091122.
Tari, A.R., Selbæk, G., Franklin, B.A., Bergh, S., Skjellegrind, H., Sallis, R.E., Bosnes, I., Stordal, E., Ziaei, M., Lydersen, S., Kobro-Flatmoen, A., Huuha, A.M., Nauman, J. and Wisløff, U. (2022). Temporal changes in personal activity intelligence and the risk of incident dementia and dementia related mortality: A prospective cohort study (HUNT). eClinicalMedicine, 52
Telenius, E.W., Tangen, G.G., Eriksen, S. & Rokstad, A.M.M. (2022). Fun and a meaningful routine: the experience of physical activity in people with dementia. BMC Geriatrics, 22(500).
Telenius, E.W., Eriksen, S. & Rokstad, A.M.M. (2020). I need to be who I am: a qualitative interview study exploring the needs of people with dementia in Norway. BMJ Open. ;10(8):e035886. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035886.
Zotcheva, E., Håberg, A.K., Wisløf, U., Salvesen, Ø., Selbæk, G., Stensvold & D. Ernstsen, L. (2021). Effects of 5 Years Aerobic Exercise on Cognition in Older Adults: The Generation 100 Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Sports Medicine.
Zotcheva, E., Selbæk, G., Bjertness, E., Ernstsen, L. & Strand, B.H. (2018). Leisure-Time Physical Activity Is Associated With Reduced Risk of Dementia-Related Mortality in Adults With and Without Psychological Distress: The Cohort of Norway. Front Aging Neurosci. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2018.00151.
Zotcheva, E., Bergh, S., Selbæk, G., Krokstad, S., Håberg, A.K., Strand, B.H. & Ernstsen, L. (2018). Midlife Physical Activity, Psychological Distress, and Dementia Risk: The HUNT Study. J Alzheimers Dis. ;66(2):825-833. doi: 10.3233/JAD-180768.
Helsedirektoratet, Sammen om aktive liv 2020-2029.
Danielsen, K.K. (2021). Fysisk aktivitet i psykisk helsearbeid – En oppsummering av kunnskap.
(Oppsummering nr;24), Senter for omsorgsforskning, 2021.
Rom 2 – Kriser (Når det baller på seg)
Evensen, S., Saltvedt, I., Ranhoff, A.H., Myrstad, M., Myrstad, C., Mellingsæter, M., Wang-Hansen, M.S. & Neerland, B.E. (2019). Delirium og kognitiv svikt blant eldre i norske akuttmottak. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 139(6). doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.18.0578.
Henjum, K., Godang, K., Quist-Paulsen, E., Idland, A. Neerland, B.E., Sandvig, H., Brugård, A., Raeder, J., Frihagen, F. Wyller, T.B., Hassel, B., Bollerslev, J. & Watne, L.O. (2021). Cerebrospinal fluid catecholamines in delirium and dementia. Brain Communications;3(3).
Hoel, K.A., Lichtwarck, B., Væringstad, A., Feiring, I.H., Rokstad, A.M.M., Selbæk, G., Benth, J.Š. & Bergh, S. (2022). Targeted Interdisciplinary Model for Evaluation and Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms (TIME) in home care services: a cluster randomized feasibility trial. BMC Health Serv Res. ;22(1):415. doi: 10.1186/s12913-022-07830-9. Erratum in: BMC Health Serv Res. 2022 Jul 14;22(1):915.
Kirkevold, M., Weldingh, N.M., Hammer, T., Andresen, L. og Benth, J.S. (2022). Faktorer som påvirker funksjonsnivået til eldre pasienter operert for hoftebrudd – implikasjoner for målrettede sykepleietiltak. Sykepleien. DOI:10.4220/Sykepleienf.2022.89198
Krogseth, M., Rostoft, S. Benth, J.S., Selbæk, G. & Wyller, T.B. (2021). Skrøpelighet blant eldre pasienter med hjemmesykepleie. Tidsskrift for Den norske Legeforening.
Lichtwarck, B., Myhre, J., Selbæk, G., Kirkevold, Ø., Rokstad, A.M.M., Benth, J.Š. & Bergh, S. (2019). TIME to reduce agitation in persons with dementia in nursing homes. A process evaluation of a complex intervention. BMC Health Serv Res.;19(1):349.
Myhre, J. & Lichtwarck, B. (2021). Kan kompleksitetsteori bidra til bedre forståelse og tiltak ved aggresjon, overgrep og forsømmelser i sykehjem? Geriatrisk sykepleie vol 2
Neerland,B.E., Watne, L.O. & Krogseth, M. (2020). Delirium hos pasienter med covid-19. Tidsskrift for Den norske Legeforening.
Neerland, B.E., Krogseth, M. & Wyller, T.B. (2018). Hvordan beskrive delirium? Tidsskrift for Den norske Legeforening.
Selbæk, G. & Neerland, B.E. (2022). Cognitive decline and dementia: does delirium matter? Lancet Healthy Longev. (4):e217-e218. DOI: 10.1016/S2666-7568(22)00056-3
Sogstad, M.K.R. & Bergland, A. (2021). Sårbar sammenheng i helse- og omsorgstjenesten til eldre pasienter. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 7(2), 9–28.
Vossius, C., Bergh, S., Selbæk, G., Benth, J.Š., Myhre, J., Aakhus, E. & Lichtwarck, B. (2022). Mortality in nursing home residents stratified according to subtype of dementia: a longitudinal study over three years. BMC Geriatr. ;22(1):282. DOI: 10.1186/s12877-022-02994-9
Watne, L.O., Pollmann, C.T., Neerland, B.E., Quist-Paulsen, E., Halaas, N.B., Idland, A.V., Hassel, B., Henjum, K., Knapskog, A.B., Frihagen, F., Raeder, J., Godø, A., Ueland, P.M., McCann, A., Figved, W., Selbæk, G., Zetterberg, H., Fang, E.F., Myrstad, M., Giil, L.M. Cerebrospinal fluid quinolinic acid is strongly associated with delirium and mortality in hip fracture patients. J Clin Invest. 2022 Nov 21:e163472.
Aldring og helse, Helsedirektoratet og Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsen. (2022, 16. november). Veiviser demens
Forskningssenter for Aldersrelatert Funksjonssvikt og Sykdom. PRACTIC. Hentet 15. november 2022 fra
Kirkevold, Ø. (2020). Evalueringsrapport: “Systematisk oppfølging etter demensdiagnose”. Aldring og helse
Rom 3 – Kjønnsperspektiver på eldre menneskers helse
Drenth-van Maanen AC, Wilting I. & Jansen PAF. (2020). Prescribing medicines to older people-How to consider the impact of ageing on human organ and body functions. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 86(10):1921-1930.
Efjestad AS, Ihle-Hansen H, Hjellvik V, Engedal K. & Salvesen Blix H.(2021). Sex differences in psychotropic and analgesic drug use before and after initiating treatment with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. PLoS One.16(9):e0243804.
Eliassen, M & Hartviksen, T. (2021). Aktivitet og fellesskap.Leve hele livet – En kvalitetsreform for eldre. Beskrivelser av eksisterende kunnskap om reformens utfordringsområder på feltet Aktivitet og fellesskap.
Engedal K, Gjøra L, Benth JŠ, Wagle J, Rønqvist TK. & Selbæk G. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment: Normative Data from a Large, Population-Based Sample of Cognitive Healthy Older Adults in Norway-The HUNT Study. J Alzheimers Dis. 86(2):589-599.
Engedal K, Gjøra L, Bredholt T, Thingstad P, Tangen GG, Ernstsen L. & Selbæk G. (2021). Sex Differences on Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Mini-Mental State Examination Scores and the Value of Self-Report of Memory Problems among Community Dwelling People 70 Years and above: The HUNT Study. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord.50(1):74-84.
Hirnstein M, Stuebs J.,Moè A. & Hausmann M. (2022). Sex/Gender Differences in Verbal Fluency and Verbal-Episodic Memory: A Meta-Analysis. Perspect Psychol Sci.
Matud, MP, Bethencourth, JM, Ibáñez I. & Fortes D. (2020). Gender and psychological well-being in older adults. Int Psychogeriatr. 32(11):1293-1302.
Slagstad K. (2021). The Political Nature of Sex – Transgender in the History of Medicine. N Engl J Med. 384(11):1070-1074. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMms2029814
Storeng SH, Øverland S, Skirbekk V, Hopstock LA, Sund ER, Krokstad S. & Strand BH. (2022). Trends in Disability-Free Life Expectancy (DFLE) from 1995 to 2017 in the older Norwegian population by sex and education: The HUNT Study. Scand J Public Health. 50(5):542-551.
Rom 4 – Familie og sosialt nettverk i eldre år
Bjørkløf GH, Helvik AS, Ibsen TL, Telenius EW, Grov EK. & Eriksen S. (2019).Balancing the struggle to live with dementia: a systematic meta-synthesis of coping. BMC Geriatr.19(1):295.
Fredriksen E, Thygesen E, Moe C. &, Martinez S. (2021). Digitalisation of municipal healthcare collaboration with volunteers: a case study applying normalization process theory. BMC Health Serv Res. 21(1):410.
Fredriksen E, Martinez S, Moe CE. & Thygesen E.(2020). Communication and information exchange between primary healthcare employees and volunteers – Challenges, needs and possibilities for technology support. Health Soc Care Community. 28(4):1252-1260.
Kerpershoek L, Wolfs C, Verhey F, Jelley H, Woods B, Bieber A, Bartoszek G, Stephan A, Selbaek G, Eriksen S, Sjölund BM, Hopper L, Irving K, Marques MJ, Gonçalves-Pereira M, Portolani D, Zanetti O. & Vugt M; Actifcare Consortium. (2019). Optimizing access to and use of formal dementia care: Qualitative findings from the European Actifcare study. Health Soc Care Community. 27(5):e814-e823.
Krohne, K. & Nicolaisen, M. (2020). Noen som ser meg. De aller eldstes erfaringer med å ha en besøksvenn fra Røde Kors.
Krohne K, Flor AD. & Nicolaisen M. (2022). Friendship in Befriending? Older Service Users’ Notions of Friendship in a Befriending Scheme. J Gerontol Soc Work.
Norges Røde Kors (2022). Sosial puls 2022. En rapport om de største humanitære behovene i Norge. Norges Røde Kors.
Nicolaisen M, Pripp AH,. & Thorsen K. (2022). Why Not Lonely? A Longitudinal Study of Factors Related to Loneliness and Non-Loneliness in Different Age Groups Among People in the Second Part of Life. Int J Aging Hum Dev. :914150221112292.
Völker B. (2022). Networks in lockdown. The consequences of COVID-19 for social relationships and feelings of loneliness. Soc Networks.
Tirsdag 6. desember kl. 15.30 – 17.00 Parallelle sesjoner
Rom 1 – Gode lavterskeltilbud for å opprettholde funksjon og helse
Gibbor L, Yates L, Volkmer A. & Spector A. (2021). Cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) for dementia: a systematic review of qualitative research. Aging Ment Health. 25(6):980-990.
Lauritzen J, Nielsen LM, Kvande ME, Brammer Damsgaard J.& Gregersen R. (2022). Carers’ experience of everyday life impacted by people with dementia who attended a cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) group intervention: a qualitative systematic review. Aging Ment Health.
Saragih ID, Tonapa SI, Saragih IS. & Lee BO. (2022). Effects of cognitive stimulation therapy for people with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Int J Nurs Stud.128:104181.
Telenius EW, Tangen GG, Eriksen S. & Rokstad AMM. (2022). Fun and a meaningful routine: the experience of physical activity in people with dementia. BMC Geriatr. 22(1):500.
Sterk og stødig
Takk, bare bra…?
Oksholen, G., Solstad, T., Holth, J. & Skolem, L. (2019). Slik jobber vi på Helsestasjon for voksne i Bamble. Sykepleien.
Rom 2 – Kultur hele livet
Bracco, L., Poirier, G., Pinto-Carral, A. & Mourey, F. (2021). Effect of Dance Therapy on the Physical Abilities of Older Adults with Dementia: A Systematic Review. Eur J Geriatr Gerontol 2021;3(3):134-142.
Berge, L.I., Gedde, M.H., Torrado Vidal, J.C., Husebo, B., Hynninen, K.M., Knardal, S,E., Madsø, K,G., (2022). The acceptability, adoption, and feasibility of a music application developed using participatory design for home-dwelling persons with dementia and their caregivers. The “Alight” app in the LIVE@Home.Path trial. Front Psychiatry.
Fossøy, A.B., Grov, E.K., Sandvoll, A.M. (2018). Magiske augneblikk; erfaringar med kulturprosjekt for eldre. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 4(2),132-142.
Færøvik, U., Specht, K. & Vikene, K. (2021). Suppression, Maintenance, and Surprise: Neuronal Correlates of Predictive Processing Specialization for Musical Rhythm. Front Neurosci. ;15:674050.
Hewston, P., Kennedy, C.C., Borhan, S., Merom, D., Santaguida, P., Ioannidis, G., Marr, S., Santesso, N., Thabane, L., Bray, S. & Papaioannou, A. (2021). Effects of dance on cognitive function in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Age and Ageing, Volume 50, Issue 4, Pages 1084–1092,
Ito, E., Nouchi, R., Dinet, J., Cheng, C.H., Husebø, B.S. (2022). The Effect of Music-Based Intervention on General Cognitive and Executive Functions, and Episodic Memory in People with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Recent Randomized Controlled Trials. Healthcare (Basel). 10(8):1462.
McMahon, K., Clark, I.N., Stensæth, K., Wosch, T., Odell Miller, H., Bukowska, A. & Baker, F.A. (2022). A qualitative systematic review of the experiences of sharing music for people living with dementia and their family care partners: the thread of connection. Arts Health. Oct 12:1-28.
Mundy, S.S., Kudahl, B., Bundesen, B., Hellström, L., Rosenbaum, B. & Eplov, L.F. (2022). Mental health recovery and creative writing groups: A systematic review. Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health; vol 4(1)
Oedegaard, C.H., Ruano, A.L., Blindheim, A., Veseth, M., Stige, B., Davidson, L. & Engebretsen, I.M.S. (2022). How can we best help this patient? Exploring mental health therapists’ reflections on medication-free care for patients with psychosis in Norway. Int J Ment Health Syst. 4;16(1):19. doi: 10.1186/s13033-022-00529-8.
Oedegaard, C.H., Engebretsen, I.M.S., Veseth, M., Blindheim, A. & Stige, B. (2022) Health care workers’ perspectives on the challenges and possibilities of music therapy within medication-free treatment services, Nordic Journal of Music Therapy,
Wang, L.L., Sun, C.J., Wang, Y., Zhan, T.T., Yuan, J., Niu, C.Y., Yang, J., Huang, S. & Cheng, L. (2022). Effects of dance therapy on non-motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aging Clin Exp Res. ;34(6):1201-1208. doi: 10.1007/s40520-021-02030-7.
Bøker, ABC-permer og rapporter
Kan lånes fra biblioteket.
ABC Musikkbasert miljøbehandling – utviklingshemming. (2021). Ansvarlig redaktør Inger Molvik, Kultur, helse og omsorg, Aldring og helse
Gabrielsen, L. (2021). Ingen er bare det du ser: En bok om å drive skrivegrupper for eldre. Kirkens bymisjon
Vegar Rangul, Odd Håpnes, Inger Molvik og Ragnhild Skille (2022). Musikkbasert miljøbehandling i et tverrsektorielt kompetanseutviklingsprogram i Brønnøy 2019 – 2021 : Rapport. Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for kultur, helse og omsorg, Nasjonalt senter for aldring og helse og Norsk kulturskoleråd
Aldring og helse. ABC-opplæringen. Hentet 16. november 2022 fra
Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for kultur, helse og omsorg. Aktuelt. Hentet 16. november 2022 fra
Universitetet i Bergen. Polyfon kunnskapsklynge for musikkterapi. Hentet 16. november 2022 fra
Rom 3 – Sex over 60
Fischer, N., Graham, C.A., Træen, B. & Hald, G.M. (2021). Prevalence of Masturbation and Associated Factors Among Older Adults in Four European Countries. Arch Sex Behav. ;51(3):1385-1396.
Fischer, N., Træen, B., & Hald, G. M. (2018). Predicting Partnered Sexual Activity among Older Adults in Four European Countries: The Role of Attitudes, Health and Relationship Factors. Sexual and Relationship Therapy. DOI: 10.1080/14681994.2018.1468560
Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet. Snakk om det! (2016). Strategi for seksuell helse (2017–2022). Oslo: Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet. Tilgjengelig fra:
Hjalmarsson, E. & Lindroth M. (2020). “To live until you die could actually include being intimate and having sex”: a focus group study on nurses’ experiences of their work with sexuality in palliative care. J Clin Nurs.
Hov, R., Steinseth, E.B. & Myhrene, A.K. (2022). Trenger vi å snakke om det? Kommunikasjon med pasienter i palliativ fase om seksuell helse. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning, 12(2).
Kelemen, A., Cagle, J., Chung, J. & Groninger, H. (2019). Assessing the impact of serious illness on patient intimacy and sexuality in palliative care. J Pain Symptom Manage. 58(2): 282–8.
Schaller, S., Traeen, B. & Lundin Kvalem, I. (2020). Barriers and facilitating factors in help-seeking: a qualitative study on how older adults experience talking about sexual issues with healthcare personnel. Int J Sex Health. 32(2): 65–80.
Siverskog, A. & Bromseth, J. (2019). Subcultural Spaces: LGBTQ Aging in a Swedish Context. Int J Aging Hum Dev. 88(4):325-340.
Træen, B., Carvalheira, A. A., Kvalem, I. L., Štulhofer, A., Janssen, E., Graham, C., Hald, G. M., & Enzlin, P. (2017). An Overview of the Literature on Sexuality in Older Adults (65+), Part 2: Body Image and Sexual Satisfaction. International Journal of Sexual Health, 29 (1), 11-21.
Træen, B., Hald, G. M., Graham, C., Enzlin, P., Janssen, E., Kvalem, I. L., Carvalheira, A. A., & Štulhofer, A. (2017). An Overview of the Literature on Sexuality in Older Adults (65+), Part 1: Sexual Function and Its Difficulties. International Journal of Sexual Health, 29 (1), 1-10.
Træen, B., Fischer, N. & Kvalem, I.L. (2021). Sexual intercourse activity and activities associated with sexual interaction in Norwegians of different sexual orientations and ages. Sexual and Relations Therapy.
Træen, B., Hansen, T. & Stulhofer, A. (2021). Silencing the sexual self and relational and individual well-being in later life: a gendered analysis of North versus South of Europe. Sexual and Relationship Therapy doi:
Eriksen, S. (2020). Seksualitet og demens: Et veiledningshefte for helse- og omsorgspersonell. Forlaget Aldring og helse
Rom 4 – God helse i eldre år i et livsløpsperspektiv
Aunsmo RH. & Holmen J. (2017). Are elderly HUNT participants healthier than before? Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 137(17). English, Norwegian.
Bonsang E. & Skirbekk V.(2022). Does Childbearing Affect Cognitive Health in Later Life? Evidence From an Instrumental Variable Approach. Demography. 59(3):975-994.
Brewster KK, Hu MC, Zilcha-Mano S, Stein A, Brown PJ, Wall MM, Roose SP, Golub JS. & Rutherford BR. (2021). Age-Related Hearing Loss, Late-Life Depression, and Risk for Incident Dementia in Older Adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 76(5):827-834.
Curran E, Chong TWH, Godbee K, Abraham C, Lautenschlager NT. & Palmer VJ. (2021). General population perspectives of dementia risk reduction and the implications for intervention: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative evidence. PLoS One. 16(9):e0257540.
Daugherty AM. (2021). Hypertension-related risk for dementia: A summary review with future directions. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 116:82-89.
Eriksen S, Grov EK, Ibsen TL, Mork Rokstad AM & Telenius EW. (2022). The experience of lived body as expressed by people with dementia: A systematic meta-synthesis. Dementia (London). 21(5):1771-1799.
Gjøra L, Strand BH, Bergh S, Borza T, Brækhus A, Engedal K, Johannessen A, Kvello-Alme M, Krokstad S, Livingston G, Matthews FE, Myrstad C, Skjellegrind H, Thingstad P, Aakhus E, Aam S. & Selbæk G. (2021). Current and Future Prevalence Estimates of Mild Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Its Subtypes in a Population-Based Sample of People 70 Years and Older in Norway: The HUNT Study. J Alzheimers Dis. 79(3):1213-1226.
Irace AL, Armstrong NM, Deal JA, Chern A, Ferrucci L, Lin FR, Resnick SM. & Golub JS. (2022). Longitudinal Associations of Subclinical Hearing Loss With Cognitive Decline. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 77(3):623-631.
Irwin MR. & Vitiello MV. (2019). Implications of sleep disturbance and inflammation for Alzheimer’s disease dementia. Lancet Neurol. 18(3):296-306.
Kjelvik, G., Rokstad, A.M.M., Stuebs, J., Thingstad, P., Deckers, K., Köhler, S, & Selbæk G. (2022). Public knowledge about dementia risk reduction in Norway. BMC Public Health 22, 2046 .
Lee JE, Ju YJ, Park EC. & Lee SY.(2020). Effect of poor sleep quality on subjective cognitive decline (SCD) or SCD-related functional difficulties: Results from 220,000 nationwide general populations without dementia. J Affect Disord. 260:32-37.
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Oliveira D, Bosco A. & di Lorito C. (2019). Is poor health literacy a risk factor for dementia in older adults? Systematic literature review of prospective cohort studies. Maturitas. 124:8-14.
Peters R, Xu Y, Fitzgerald O, Aung HL, Beckett N, Bulpitt C, Chalmers J, Forette F, Gong J, Harris K, Humburg P, Matthews FE, Staessen JA, Thijs L, Tzourio C, Warwick J, Woodward M, Anderson CS., & Dementia rIsk REduCTion (DIRECT) collaboration (2022). Blood pressure lowering and prevention of dementia: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Eur Heart J.
Selbæk, G., Stuebs, J., Engedal, K., Hachinski, V., Hestad, K., Treviño, C.S., Skjellegrind, H., Wedatilake, Y. & Strand, B.H. (2022). Blood pressure trajectories over 35 years and dementia risk: A retrospective study: The HUNT study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.
Skirbekk, V. (2022). Decline and prosper!: Changing global birth rates and the advantages of fewer children. Palgrave Macmillan.
Kan lånes i biblioteket ved Aldring og helse.
Skirbekk V, Bowen CE, Håberg A, Jugessur A, Engdahl B, Bratsberg B, Zotcheva E, Selbæk G, Kohler HP, Weiss J, Harris JR, Tom SE, Krokstad S, Stern Y. & Strand BH. (2022). Marital Histories and Associations With Later-Life Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment Risk in the HUNT4 70+ Study in Norway. J Aging Health.
Ssanova, S., Hougen, M.H. & Sverre, B.L. (2022). Å bygge broer. Helseressurser og sosial kapital blant eldre somaliere i Norge. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 8(2), 30-44.
Strandenæs MG, Lund A, Engedal K, Kirkevold Ø, Selbæk G, Benth JŠ. & Rokstad AMM. (2022). Self-reported quality of life in people with dementia attending a day-care programme in Norway: A 24-month quasi-experimental study. Health Soc Care Community. 30(4):1315-1324.
Åsvold BO, Langhammer A, Rehn TA, Kjelvik G, Grøntvedt TV, Sørgjerd EP, Fenstad JS, Heggland J, Holmen O, Stuifbergen MC, Vikjord SAA, Brumpton BM, Skjellegrind HK, Thingstad P, Sund ER, Selbæk G, Mork PJ, Rangul V, Hveem K, Næss M. & Krokstad S. (2022). Cohort Profile Update: The HUNT Study, Norway. Int J Epidemiol.
Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet (2022, 23.august). Strategi for å øke helsekompetansen i befolkningen. 2019-2023.
Nasjonalt senter for aldring og helse (2020). Søvn og psykisk helse. Hentet 2022, 30.september fra
Otnes, B. (2017). Livet etter 80. Eldres helse og levevaner. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 3(3); 243-254.
Onsdag 7. desember
Onsdag 7. desember kl. 09.00 – 10.30 Parallelle sesjoner
Rom 1: Omsorg ved livets slutt: pårørende og frivillige
Eriksen, S., Grov, E.K., Ibsen, T.L., Rokstad, A.M.M. & Telenius, E.W. (2022). The experience of lived body as expressed by people with dementia: A systematic meta-synthesis. Dementia ;21(5):1771-1799.
Haugen, D.F., Romarheim, E., Solvåg, K. & Sigurdardottir, K.R. (2022). Pårørendes erfaringer med omsorg for døende under første fase av covid-19-pandemien. Sykepleien Forskning 2022;17(89841):e-89841
DOI: 10.4220/Sykepleienf.2022.89841
Hov, R., Bjørsland, B., Kjøs, B. Ø. & Wilde-Larsson, B. (2020). A sense of security in palliative homecare in a Norwegian municipality; dyadic comparisons of the perceptions of patients and relatives-a quantitative study. BMC Palliative Care, 19(1), 7.
Lersveen, G.L. & Devik, S.A. (2021). Opplevelse av trygghet i hjemmebasert palliativ omsorg: pasienters og pårørendesperspektiv. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 7(3).
Meld. St. 24 (2019–2020) – Lindrende behandling og omsorg. Vi skal alle dø en dag. Men alle andre dager skal vi leve. Oslo: Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet. 2020. Tilgjengelig fra:
Rønsen, A. (2020). Palliativ omsorg i kommunene. En oppsummering av kunnskap. Omsorgsbiblioteket.
Sandsdalen, T., Hov, R., Høye, S., Rystedt, I. & Wilde-Larsson, B. (2015). Patients’ preferences in palliative care: A systematic mixed studies review. Palliative Medicine, 29(5), 399–419.
Tretteteig, S., Eriksen, S., Hillestad, A.H., Julnes, S.G., Lichtwarck, B., Nilsen, A. & Rokstad, A.M.M. (2022). The Experience of Relatives of Nursing Home Residents with COVID-19: A Qualitative Study. Nursing: Research and Reviews Vol 2022:12
Krohne, K. & Nicolaisen, M. (2020). Noen som ser meg. De aller eldstes erfaringer med å ha en besøksvenn fra Røde Kors.
Norges Røde Kors (2022). Sosial puls 2022. En rapport om de største humanitære behovene i Norge. Norges Røde Kors.
Fransiskushjelpen.Hjemmehospice. Hentet desember 2022 fra
Røde Kors. Vårt arbeid. Hentet desember 2022 fra
Rom 2: Utviklingshemming og aldring
Ahlström, G., Hansson, J., Kristensson, J., Runesson, I., Persson, M. and Bökberg, C. (2020) Collaboration and guidelines for the coordination of health care for frail older persons with intellectual disability: A national survey of nurses working in municipal care, Nursing Open, 8(3), pp.1369-1379.
Celebanska, D., Gawel, E., Kornatovska, Z., Rosolek, B. & Zwierzchowska, A. (2022). Prevalence of frailty syndrome and its predictors in the population of people with intellectual disability compared to the general population: a systematic review. Acta Salus Vitae, 10(1), 33-48.
Kristiansen, L. & Langballe, E.M. (2022). Voksne med borderline intellektuell fungering eller lett utviklingshemming og ikke-smittsomme sykdommer. SOR rapport, 68 (3), 48-63.
Langballe, E.M., Skorpen, S., Larsen, F.K., Engeland, J., Kristiansen, L., Kirkevold, Ø., Selbæk, G., Engedal, K. & Kristiansen, K.M. (2017). Får eldre med utviklingshemming god nok helseoppfølging?
Tidsskr Nor Legeforen doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.17.0476
Larsen, F.K., Medbøen, I.T. & Langballe, E.M. (2021). Den norske Downs syndrom- og demensstudien. Ergoterapeuten, 64(6), 38-45.
Linde, S. (2022). Beslutningsstøtte for personer med utviklingshemming: En oppsummering av kunnskap.
Meld. St. 8 (2022–2023). Menneskerettar for personar med utviklingshemming — Det handlar om å bli høyrt og sett. Kultur- og likestillingsdepartementet.
Olsen, M. I., Søndenaa, E., Langballe, E. M., Halvorsen, M. B., Wilhelmsen, P., Bautz-Holter, E., & Anke, A. (2022). Use of health and dental care services in adults with intellectual disability in relation to age and intellectual disability levels. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 1-12.
Schoufour, J.D., Oppewal, A., van Maurik, M.C., Hilgenkamp, T.I.M., Elbers, R.G. & Maes-Festen, D.A.M. (2022). Development and validation of a shortened and practical frailty index for people with intellectual disabilities. J Intellect Disabil Res. 66(3):240-249. doi: 10.1111/jir.12907.
Skarstad, K. & Stein, M.A. (2018) Mainstreaming disability in the United Nations treaty bodies, Journal of Human Rights, 17:1, 1-24, DOI: 10.1080/14754835.2017.1286238
Skorpen, S. Haugland, M. & Pareli, D. (2017). Smerter hos personer med psykisk utviklingshemming. Sykepleien
Skorpen, S. & Nag, H.E. (2022). Kreft hos personer med utviklingshemming. OnkoNytt
Kreft hos personer med utviklingshemming | OnkoNytt
Engeland, J. (2014). Mot slutten av arbeidslivet. Tilrettelegging ved yrkesavgang for personer med utviklingshemming? Temahefte. Forlaget Aldring og helse
Skarstad, K. (2019). Funksjonshemmedes menneskerettigheter: Fra prinsipper til praksis. Universitetsforlaget.
Kan lånes i biblioteket.
Engeland, J. (2021). A multi-method study of participation in daily activities and retirement among adults with intellectual disabilities in Norway. [Doktorgradsavhandling]. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet.
kan lånes i biblioteket.
Kristiansen, L. & Larsen, F.K. (2022). Aldring, eldrehelse og utviklingshemming [E-læring]. Aldring og helse.
Nasjonale veiledere
Helsedirektoratet (2022). Gode helse- og omsorgstjenester til personer med utviklingshemming. Helsedirektoratet.
Aldring og helse. Den norske Downs syndrom- og demensstudien. Hentet desember 2022 fra
Kultur- og likestillingsdepartementet. (2022, 24. november). FN-konvensjonen om rettar til menneske med nedsett funksjonsevne (CRPD)- Artikkel.
Nasjonalt kompetansemiljø om utviklingshemming. (2022, 27. september). Helse: Forskning.
Nasjonalt kompetansemiljø om utviklingshemming. (2022, 26. september). Psykisk helse: Forskning.
Rom 3: Oppfølging av eldre personer med skrøpelighet
Aure CF, Kluge A. & Moen A. (2020). Promoting dietary awareness: Home-dwelling older adults’ perspectives on using a nutrition application. Int J Older People Nurs. 15(4):e12332.
Rostoft S. & van Leeuwen B.(2021). Frailty assessment tools and geriatric assessment in older patients with hepatobiliary and pancreatic malignancies. Eur J Surg Oncol. 47(3 Pt A):514-518.
Sanchez MA, Armaingaud D, Messaoudi Y, Letty A, Mahmoudi R. & Sanchez S. (2019). Multiple factor analysis of eating patterns to detect groups at risk of malnutrition among home-dwelling older subjects in 2015. BMJ Open. 9(6):e023548.
Sverdrup K, Bergh S, Selbæk G, Benth JŠ, Husebø B, Røen IM, Thingstad P. & Tangen GG. (2021). Exploring life-space in the nursing home. An observational longitudinal study. BMC Geriatr. 21(1):396.
Sverdrup K, Selbæk G, Bergh S, Strand BH, Thingstad P, Skjellegrind HK, Skjerve KN. & Tangen GG.(2021). Physical performance across the cognitive spectrum and between dementia subtypes in a population-based sample of older adults: The HUNT study. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 95:104400.
Kyrdalen IL, Laukli I, Dunseth G, Ranhoff AH, Strand BH. & Ormstad H.(2021). Fastlegens rolle ved skrøpelighet hos hjemmeboende eldre personer [The general practitioner’s role with regard to fragile older patients living at home]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 141(4). Norwegian.
Rom 4: Sosial isolasjon, selvmord og samarbeid
Joshaghani, N., Villa, N., Badla, O., Goit, R., Saddik, S.E., Dawood, S.N., Rabih, A.M., Mohammed, A., Raman, A., Uprety, M., Calero, M.J., Villanueva, M.R.B. & Khan, S. How. (2022). How Residing in a Long-Term Care Facility Affects Suicidal Risk in Patients With Dementia: A Systematic Review. Cureus. 14(8):e27858.
Hansen, T., Kafková, M.P., Katz, R., Lowenstein, A., Naim, S., Pavlidis, G., Villar, F., Walsh, K., & Aartsen, M. (2021). Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life: Micro- and Macro-Level Patterns and Correlations in a European Perspective. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
Laflamme, L., Vaez, M., Lundin, K., Sengoelge, M. (2022). Prevention of suicidal behavior in older people: A systematic review of reviews. PLoS One. 2022 Jan 25;17(1):e0262889.
Nes, R.B., Yu, B., Hansen, T. et al. Flattening the quality of life curve? (2022). A prospective person-centred study from Norway amid COVID-19. Qual Life Res 31, 2295–2305.
Nicolaisen, M., Pripp, A.H. & Thorsen, K. (2022). Why Not Lonely? A Longitudinal Study of Factors Related to Loneliness and Non-Loneliness in Different Age Groups Among People in the Second Part of Life. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development.
Pavlidis, G., Motel-Klingebiel, A. & Aartsen, M. (2022). Exclusion from social relations in later life: on the gendered associations of social networks with mental wellbeing. Aging Ment Health.
Tretteteig, S., Tveito, M. & Gjelstad, S.B. (2021). Podkasten Eldre & Psyken gir nyttig kunnskap om hverdagen i eldreomsorgen. Sykepleien
Tveito, M., Barca, M. & Hartberg, C.B. (2021). Alderspsykiatriske helsetjenester under covid-19-pandemien. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen
Ibsen, T., Rokstad, A.M.M., Eriksen, S., Bjørkløf, G.H., Tveito, M., Bergh, S., Selbæk, G. (2022). Sosial isolasjon blant eldre under koronapandemien. Rapport. Aldring og helse.
Onsdag 7. desember kl. 11.00 – 12.30. Parallelle sesjoner
Rom 1: Aldring og rus
Bergh, S., Michaelsen, E., Andfossen, N.B., Lichtwarck, B, Selbæk, G., Kirkevold, Ø. (2021). Bruk av alkohol og vanedannende legemidler hos eldre norske hjemmetjenestemottakere. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 7(3), 1-12.
Helvik, A.S. (2020) Eldre og deres alkoholinntak – et norsk perspektiv.
Johannessen, A., Tevik, K., Engedal, K., Gade Haanes, G. & Helvik, A.S. (2021). Health Professionals’ Experiences Regarding Alcohol Consumption and Its Relation to Older Care Recipient’s Health and Well-Being. J Multidiscip Healthc. 12(14):1829-1842.
Kamsvåg, B., Bergh, S., Benth, J.S., Selbæk, S., Tevik, K., Helvik, A.S. (2021). Alcohol consumption among older adults with symptoms of cognitive decline consulting specialist health care. Aging and mental health. Ahead-of print, 1-9.
Kamsvåg, B., Tevik, K., Benth, J.S., Wu, B., Bergh, S., Selbæk, G., Helvik, A.S. (2022). Does Elevated Alcohol Consumption Delay the Diagnostic Assessment of Cognitive Impairment among Older Adults? Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra, 12(1).
Stelander, L.T., Høye, A., Bramness, J.G., Wynn, R. & Grønli, O.K. (2022). Sex differences in at-risk drinking and associated factors-a cross-sectional study of 8,616 community-dwelling adults 60 years and older: the Tromsø study, 2015-16. BMC Geriatr. 22(1):170.
Tevik, K., Selbæk, G., Engedal, K., Seim, A., Krokstad, S. & Helvik, A.S. (2019. Factors associated with alcohol consumption and prescribed drugs with addiction potential among older women and men – the Nord-Trøndelag health study (HUNT2 and HUNT3), Norway, a population-based longitudinal study. BMC Geriatr. 19(1):113. .
Tevik, K., Bergh, S., Selbæk, G., Johannessen, A. &, Helvik, A.S. (2021). A systematic review of self-report measures used in epidemiological studies to assess alcohol consumption among older adults. PLoS One. 16(12):e0261292.
Bye, E.K., Rossow, I.M. (2022, 4. januar). Alkoholbruk i den voksne befolkningen. Folkehelseinstituttet.
Rom 2: En akkurat passe dose – legemiddelbehandling av eldre
Callegari, E., Benth, J.Š., Selbæk, G., Grønnerød, C. & Bergh, S.(2022) The Effect of the NorGeP-NH on Quality of Life and Drug Prescriptions in Norwegian Nursing Homes: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pharmacy 10(1):32.
Halvorsen, K. H., Kucukcelik, S., Garcia, B.H. & Svendsen, K. (2019). Assessing Potentially Inappropriate Medications in Nursing Home Residents by NORGEP-NH Criteria. Pharmacy (Basel) 7(1).
Romskaug R, Skovlund E, Straand J, Molden E, Kersten H, Pitkala KH, Lundqvist C. & Wyller TB.(2020). Effect of Clinical Geriatric Assessments and Collaborative Medication Reviews by Geriatrician and Family Physician for Improving Health-Related Quality of Life in Home-Dwelling Older Patients Receiving Polypharmacy: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med. 180(2):181-189.
Smith RL, Tveito M, Kyllesø L, Jukic MM, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Andreassen OA. & Molden E.(2020). Impact of antipsychotic polypharmacy on nonadherence of oral antipsychotic drugs – A study based on blood sample analyses from 24,239 patients. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 37:64-69.
Wang-Hansen MS, Kersten H, Benth JŠ. & Wyller TB.(2022). The association between geriatric treatment and 30-day readmission risk among medical inpatients aged ≥75 years with multimorbidity. PLoS One. 17(1):e0262340.
Wang-Hansen, M.S., Wyller, T.B., Hvidsten, L.T. & Kersten, H. (2019). Can screening tools for potentially inappropriate prescriptions in older adults prevent serious adverse drug events? European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 75, 627–637.
Rom 3: Brukermedvirkning
Hoel KA, Rokstad AMM, Feiring IH, Lichtwarck B, Selbæk G. & Bergh S. (2021). Person-centered dementia care in home care services – highly recommended but still challenging to obtain: a qualitative interview study. BMC Health Serv Res. 21(1):723.
Johannessen, A-K.M & Steihaug, S. (2019). Brukermedvirkning i helsetjeneste for eldre– en kvalitativ studie av to kommunale akutte døgnenheter og samarbeidende kommuner. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning.
Kylén M, Slaug B, Jonsson O, Iwarsson S. & Schmidt SM. (2022). User involvement in ageing and health research: a survey of researchers’ and older adults’ perspectives. Health Res Policy Syst. 20(1):93.
Nyttingnes O, Šaltytė Benth J. & Ruud T. (2021). Patient-controlled admission contracts: a longitudinal study of patient evaluations. BMC Health Serv Res. 21(1):36.
Olsen, BS. (2022). “Selv om de er syke, skal de være med å bestemme” : En kvalitativ studie av hvordan helsepersonell kan legge til rette for at personer med demens skal ta beslutninger i hverdagen. [Masteroppgave]UiT Norges arktiske universitet.
Kan lånes i biblioteket.
Aldring og helse (2022, 12 september). Brukerskole for personer med demens. Aldring og helse.
Rom 4: Parkinsons sykdom og demens med Lewy-legemer – hva skjer?
Brakedal, B., Dölle, C., Riemer, F., Ma, Y., Nido, G.S., Skeie, G.O., Craven, A.R., Schwarzlmüller, T., Brekke, N., Diab, J., Sverkeli, L., Skjeie, V., Varhaug, K., Tysnes, O-B., Peng, S., Haugarvoll, K., Ziegler, M., Grüner, R., Eidelberg, D. & Tzoulis, C.(2022). The NADPARK study: A randomized phase I trial of nicotinamide riboside supplementation in Parkinson’s disease. Cell Metabolism,Volume 34, Issue 3.
Rongve, A., Soennesyn, H., Skogseth, R., Oesterhus, R., Hortobágyi, T., Ballard, C., Auestad, B.H. & Aarsland, D. (2016). Cognitive decline in dementia with Lewy bodies: a 5-year prospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 29;6(2).
Toledo, J.B., Abdelnour, C., Weil, R.S., Ferreira, D., Rodriguez-Porcel, F., Pilotto, A., Wyman-Chick, K.A., Grothe, M.J., Kane, J.P.M., Taylor, A., Rongve, A., Scholz, S., Leverenz, J.B., Boeve, B.F., Aarsland, D., McKeith, I.G., Lewis, S., Leroi, I., Taylor, J.P. & ISTAART Lewy body dementias Trial Methods Working Group. (2022). Dementia with Lewy bodies: Impact of co-pathologies and implications for clinical trial design. Alzheimers Dement.
Whiteley, N., Pluim, C.F., Split, M., Cabrera Tuazon, A., Moore, R.C., Litvan, I., Lessig S, Filoteo, J.V. & Schiehser, D.M. (2022). Prospective predictors of care partner burden and depression in Parkinson’s disease. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 37(9).
Weintraub, D., Aarsland, D., Biundo, R., Dobkin, R., Goldman, J. & Lewis, S. (2022). Management of psychiatric and cognitive complications in Parkinson’s disease. BMJ. 24;379:e068718.
Centres for Clinical Treatment Research. Neuro-SysMed. Hentet 11. november 2022.
Helse Fonna, Helse Vest RHF. (2022. 13. oktober) ANeED-studien.
Helse Stavanger, Stavanger universitetssjukehus. (2022, 19. oktober). ParkinsonNet.
Onsdag 7. desember Plenumssesjon 13.30 – 15.00
Veien inn og ut av sykehus – hvor går den eldre pasienten?
Flyum IR, Gjevjon ER, Josse-Eklund A, Lærum-Onsager E. & Borglin G. (2022). Nursing, frailty, functional decline and models of care in relation to older people receiving long-term care: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 12(8):e061303.
Melby, L., Kaspersen, S.L, Ådnanes, M. & Kalseth, J. (2021).Oppfølgingsteam som sammenhengskapende mekanisme for personer med store og sammensatte behov. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning.
Næss G, Wyller TB. & Kirkevold M.(2019). Structured follow-up of frail home-dwelling older people in primary health care: is there a special need, and could a checklist be of any benefit? A qualitative study of experiences from registered nurses and their leaders. J Multidiscip Healthc. 12:675-690.
Rostad, H.M., Skinner, M.S., Larsen, T.W. & Sogstad, M.K. (2021).Sammenheng i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester – hvor mye flytter eldre mellom ulike tilbud i kommunen? Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning.
Sebjørnsen I. & Bakken MS.(2022).
Oppdaterte verktøy for vurdering og håndtering av akutt syke eldre. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 142(5). English, Norwegian.
Kompetansebroen (2022, 13.september). Pilotering av banebrytende prosjekt er i gang.
Onsdag 7. desember Plenumssesjon 15.30 – 17.00
Hvordan hjelpe hjelperne
Djup, H.W. (2022). Ivaretakelse av hjelpere. Klinikk for krisepsykologi. Hentet 13.09.2022 fra:
Haavik, M. & Toven, S. (2020). Ivaretakelse av hjelpere – er vi ikke betalt for å tåle dette? Universitetsforlaget.
Boken kan lånes fra biblioteket.
Allmenlegeforeningen (2021, 12.november). Tid for egenomsorg.