There is growing recognition that traditional dementia care models fall short forpeople with dementia and their family caregivers. This has led to a call for new dementiacare approaches. In response to this call, innovations in long-term dementia care are takingplace both in the community and in residential care. One of these innovations is the careconcept called “care farming.” Care farms are farms that combine agricultural activities withcare and support services for a variety of client groups, including people with dementia.Although the concept is being implemented in an increasing number of countries, theNetherlands and Norway are still front-runners in providing and researching this innovativedementia care approach. Over the last couple of years, several research projects have beencarried out in these countries addressing a wide range of issues related to dementia careprovision at care farms and using a wide range of research methods. This paper synthesizesthe knowledge that has been generated in these research projects. By sharing the knowledgeobtained in the Netherlands and Norway, we hope to inspire leaders in healthcare undertakingsimilar efforts to innovate care for the increasing number of people with dementia. Byproviding starting-points for future research, we additionally hope to contribute to a researchagenda to further advance the field.
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